Madagascar is a country that receives little attention internationally in terms of animal conservation. So, if you would like to help us, spread the word about Madagascar! A big
reason why lemur conservation is severely underfunded is that many people do not know about it.

As a developing country, a small amount of money can already make a large impact and through your generous donations, we can make a difference for the lemurs of Madagascar.

If you would like to make a donation, you can wire transfer to the following account.

Name: Stichting Manga Maso
IBAN: NL92BUNQ2207780198

A donation can also be made with iDEAL or SOFORT using the following link:

Donation with credit cards or a PayPal account can be made with the following button:

If you have any ideas or remarks, then feel free to contact us at:
You can follow us on this website for the latest updates and information!